December 18, 2010
Well, my "Geekness" has come full circle...
As of November 29, 2010 I became an official member of the 501st LEGION ( TK-6985).
I have the opportunity to be one of the many characters that made me enjoy my childhood and pass that excitement onto a new generation of little dreamers!
Ever since I saw that film set a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away my imagination went nuts! I had never seen anything like what I saw onscreen at the Mann's Chinese Theater back in May of 1977.
The story, the images and those special effects? Wow.
I owe all my creativity and career choice to that movie.
STAR WARS allowed me to think 'outside the box', so to speak and to let my imagination run wild and to be as creative as I could. I totally disappeared into that universe for 2 + hours and did the same for its sequels, as well.
The experience from watching George Lucas's classic films allowed me to keep a firm grip on my dreams and to never let go of that child in me that felt that anything was possible and that goals could be achieved.
Once you've lost that 'kid' in you. You are truly lost.
There is no law that says that you have to forget what it was like to grow up with an innocence that allowed you to dream. To not take life so seriously and most of all, to just have fun and enjoy the time you have being alive. Life is too short to sweat all the little things.
It is never too late to recapture the spirit of your childhood.
You'll be amazed at how alive you'll feel if you just do it.
Or as a well known 'swamp muppet' once said:
"Do or do not. There is no try."
There is a geek in all of us. You can believe that. =)