August 27, 2011
August 27, 2011, 10:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m.
The LA Zoo will take you to a galaxy far, far away! Meet you favorite Star
Wars characters and learn about creatures from other galaxies as well as our own.
The zoo is doing a donation to charity in our name. We have asked that they donate the funds to the Esquenazi family if they can--since the zoo is run by the city, they may run into some rules/regs that may not allow them to do that. If its not possible, the money will go to St Judes Children's hospital.
We did learn a lot from this event, and how things went down. Despite a lot of planning including meetings, phone calls, and on-site visits, a few things will be changed for next year. And they DO want us to come back! We're looking at next May instead of August (so it wont be so HOT!). We're going to schedule times in advance for the tented appearances, and also have more of the really popular characters like Vader and R2 so that these characters can have shorter appearance times, and still keep the booths full. If we do an opening march next year, we'll coordinate that a little better! We're also going to shorten the event to 10 am to 3 pm, and spread it over 2 days. We may even do shifts next year, but with shortening the event that may not be needed." -- Lesley Farquhar / TR-3774 (Southern California Garrison XO)
This troop was ROUGH but it was a very fun one! Temps were in the upper 90's-low 100's. (Whew!) I'm glad no one passed out! 

About 50 members from the SCG 501st and Rebel Legion came in for support of this event with 3 TDs representing the Sandies!
TD-6985 - Michael Ramirez: "SCRIBBLER" (MEPD / Route 66 Patrol)
TD-4749 - Robert Longfellow: "RETNUHHA" ('soon to be' MEPD / Route 66 Patrol)
TD-4544 - Ed Silva: 501st TD
These are pics that were taken from a 501st Legion event we did for the LA ZOO on behalf of LucasFilm...